On-line Event, 27 / 5 / 2021
The first Meeting of the project took place online due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.
Topics of the meeting:
- Welcome speech by OIKIPA coordinating organization
- Project partners presentation (OIKIPA, PROMIMPRESA, FRAME, DIEK, AESD, InSET)
- Mission and vision of the project_OIKIPA (Structure of the partnership – role of each partner and responsibilities)
- IO1 overview_AESD
- IO2 overview_Promimpresa
- IO3 overview_ FRAME
- Dissemination Plan_DIEK
- Evaluation Plan_FRAME
- Financial Management _OIKIPA (Project management and Implementation, Transnational Project meeting, Intellectual Outputs, Multiplier Events. Management tools and template. Deadlines)
- IO1_tasks division, deadlines and format_AESD
- Presentation of the RecyclART LOGO
- Conclusion of the meeting_OIKIPA